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Higgs, mass and lightspeed

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Assuming here that there is a Higgs field as an intrinsic part of spacetime.

Things that interact with the higgs acquire mass, things that dont, dont.

Things that travel at light speed have no mass so for example, the photon doesnt interact with the higgs.

Im not asking why this is because that goes in with the whole fine tuning discussion

But do we have any idea of the difference between mass and massless particals? Why, say, an electron interacts but a photon will not?

It seems to me an exceptional quality not to interact, gravity is an intrinsic part of or more like trait of spacetime and that has an effect on light so how not the higgs?

Also does could the higgs field offer any explanation to quantum entanglement? The could possibly be communication between to didtant particles through the field.

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I've often thought of similar inconsistencies and relations in particle physics since reading several of Stephen Hawkins books. My own theories which *could* fit with your questions are that the other dimensions theorized could explain things such as the wave/particle duality of light and other unexplained observations. E.G Photons and observable states of matter exist in or oscillate between multiple dimensions and experiments that show them as a particles are only measuring them in our observable 3 dimensions. Considering this, maybe the Higgs only interacts in an alternate dimension and is only visible in ours at artificially inflated energies as produced in the colliders.

Maybe just the insane wondering of a layman, but i like how it sort of fits..

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  • 3 weeks later...

To me the answer is simply "They are different."

Suppose a photon that interacted with Higgs field could be a neutrino, or something close.

We have, or are in, a universe with the properties that it has and we are still discovering the nature of these properties.

The Higgs field/boson is an odd example. We haven't yet seen it in any way. The LHC hasn't actually said "Here it is!" at any time. What happened with this is that 30-40-50 years ago several ideas/theories were put forward. Over time all were shown to be incorrect, with the exception of one. That was the one proposed by Higgs.

At this time we have not shown that Higgs theory is right, just that as best we can tell it is not wrong. If the LHC does not provide the evidence then we may have to rethink this, as there will then be some doubt.

We just have a number of "fundimental" atomic and sub atomic particles, they have an assortment of properties. The properties of some mean they interact, the properties of others mean they do not. We may one day come up with why this is, but not presently.

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Is it not that the Higgs was produced for a short time in the collision rather than became visible at that point. The inability to see the Higgs could be because it only exists in this instance ? > Maybe ? :)

As I understand it, the higgs exist all the time. The LHC just happens to smash one and pick up the debris at just the right energy level. I could be wrong abotu this.

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As I understand it, the higgs exist all the time. The LHC just happens to smash one and pick up the debris at just the right energy level. I could be wrong abotu this.

So might I :) I'm not an absolute expert on the latest theories.

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There are two interrelated things. The HIggs field, which is sort of like the electromagnetic field around a magnet. Its the thing you feel, and the iron filings line up on (except the Higgs is a scalar field),

Then there is the Higgs Boson, which is the particle that carries the Higgs field, just like the photon carries the EM field. Higgs particles - if thats what has been found at the LHC - are quite massive - over 100 times the mass of the proton. Therefore you need a lot of energy to create one from scratch (E=mc2) and they only last for 10-22s - before decaying.

The Higgs field is always there, interacting with other particles giving them mass. Higgs bosons only exist virtually for very very short periods as they do their work.

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The Higgs field/boson is an odd example. We haven't yet seen it in any way. The LHC hasn't actually said "Here it is!" at any time. What happened with this is that 30-40-50 years ago several ideas/theories were put forward. Over time all were shown to be incorrect, with the exception of one. That was the one proposed by Higgs.

All very true - nothing of any substance has been discovered yet!

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