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observing saturn

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I've seen the Cassini division with an 80mm refractor although glimpsed would be a better description. My 4" refractor shows it more regularly although how easily it can be seen depends on the seeing conditions. With my 4.7" refractor it's noticeably easier to spot this feature.

I've never managed to see the Enke division even with my 10" scope although I believe it might be possible with that aperture under excellent conditions.

The degree of ring tilt also impacts the visibility of these features. When the rings are wide open the Cassini division is relatively easy. When they are edge on it's all but invisible in many scopes.

I find Saturn takes magnification well (better than Jupiter) but I'd say a minimum of around 80x is needed for the Cassini Division. More power (up to the sensible limits of the seeing / scope) makes it a bit easier.

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