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Guiding cam that can double for planetary cam


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Hi all,

I was looking at getting a Altiar Astro 60mm finder/guider and also getting a QHY5 for guiding.

I use a SPC900 for planetary stuff at the moment (and I have not outgrown it yet either - still a beginner). I would like to get a guiding cam for my ED80 setup for DSO. But it occurred to me, could a Guidecam double up as a planetary camera as well? No need for guiding on planetary (which I do with my CPC1100) at all so a colour QHY5v could be an option?

Thanks, Steve

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Also for guiding (or lunar/solar imaging) color cameras are less efficient.

Really? Wow, thanks. So you think best stick to the QHY5 then for guiding and keep it for that purpose and worry about a planetary cam when i am ready?

Thanks, Steve

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You can use the DMK21AU618 and also benefit from a very good Luna Planetary cam, its worth looking also at a QHY IMGOH as it come with ST4 where as the DMK does not, not the cheapest of options, but tick all boxes well.

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Hi Steve,

I am a relative newbie at this, but I have been using an IMG0H colour version for exactly what you were proposing to do.

My comment would be this; the camera works well as a planetary and guide cam, with the added benefit that it has (unregulated) TEC cooling, so I've managed to use it for the smaller DSOs.

There are two downsides though:

1. The drivers are primitive to say the least. I've used it with QHY EZPlanetary and FireCapture, and in Maxim using a basic ASCOM driver. They definitely need more work.

2. The 618 chip is minuscule - something I didn't fully appreciate till I used it in practice. I spend a lot of time making sure the target is centered correctly (I'm using a C9.25 on a CG5), and that tracking is spot on - otherwise Jupiter has a tendency to drift off screen. I suspect this would be a worse problem with a CPC1100, with a pixel/arcsecond value of 0.419 and effective FOV of 0.094 degrees. I assume the DMK21AU618 would have the same problem since these are chip characteristics.

In summary, I would suggest the IMG0H is a 'jack of all trades' which is great if you want to use it as a number of things (planetary/guide/small DSO), but is not the biggest chip you can get (FOV problems). Mono version might be better for your particular use.

Good luck on your choices!


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