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2nd attempt at M31

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Hi All,

A little assistance required from a DSO newbie.

This is my second attempt at M31, very new to this imaging game. Andromeda is my first DSO target.

A bit of history on this image.

- Equipment - Unmodded Canon 1100D, Canon 70-200 f2.8 IS L lens, CG5 mount, guiding with WOZ 70ZS and QHY5.

- Camera software - Backyard EOS.

- Subs - Combination of 60 sec (for the core), 120 and 180 secs, with associated darks. Total time was 2 hours 45 mins from memory.

- Processing - DSS and then PS CS3, levels, curves, shadow / highlight, saturation, a touch of shrapening.

It's and improvment on my 1st attempt, starting look less "2 dimensional" if you know what I mean, see the 1st attempt at the bottom.

What is bugging me is the star bloating, egg shaped stars.

Is this more to do with my focsuing, PA, tracking?

And how can I minimise this now in PS?

Thanks in advance,






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I don't agree Danielle, the 70-200 f/2.8L is a quality lens and will produce perfect images. The bloat is probably down to slight tracking errors and maybe the 180sec subs.

Grahame, was the bloating in all the subs, or was it less in the shorter subs. If your lens has IS, was it switched off. It should be.

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