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CMBr not so far away?

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The second link worked for me. Very interesting. It has always struck me, as a strictly amateur spectator to all this, that the interpretation of the CMB fluctuations rested on tenuous-seeming theory. So Vershuur is basically saying that the imagers of the CMB needed better flats! :smiley: I think we could be in for a cosmological shake up because I can't help wondering if the next Xtreme Xtreme Deep Field will go on finding galaxies that seem to be older than the BB... Galaxy formation seems to be awfully precocious in the early universe with the present dating estimates. Chins will be stroked...


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Thanks for your responses. I feel that very soon a new theory will supersede the Big Bang. One where large scale expansion occurs in balance with small scale contraction (every action has an equal and opposite reaction) where the principles of the Big Bang occur continuously inside the void around us.

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Hmm, I don't. While there are gaps in the view of inflationary cosmology, it has been very successful at making predictions which are subsequently measured, including the recombination era smog at 400M years. Both wmap and Planck to be will be very careful with flats so we should wait.and see, but I'm fairly.confident.


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But errors in the measurent of the CMB would be massively destabilizing to a lot of recent work. It's vital that there be scientists at least playing devil's advocate or a culture of mutual congratulation will replace a culture of doubt.


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It will be interesting to see a statistical analysis of the pattern matches in the data. Such 'coincidences' are sometimes very likely, eg. Bible codes, predictions of Nostradamus etc .(BTW, I intend not to liken the research of Vershuur to the delusion of fanatics ). Chins will indeed be stroked should the statisticians lend much credibility to Vershuur's matches.

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I think its unlikely that there will be much change in CMB results. The CMB has been analyzed to death!

They have a dedicated team who've been interpreting and analyzing the data from WMAP and so on for years.

They've released the 7 year data, so thats 7 years worth of data assembled and poured over.

Over 25,000 papers on the results. If there was something simply overlooked or slightly off, I think it would have come to light by now.

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