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Two Happy Lads


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Martin (Dogfish) and I took the new 10" Skyliner Dob (thanks Steve) out to play this evening. We went up to a dark(ish) site about 20 miles north of Glasgow. We arrived about 9.15pm to 100% cloud cover ;)

We set up the Dob and Martin's Nexstar 6SE and had a quick cuppa. By about 10pm the sky had darkened nicely and the cloud cover was down to about 25% - good enough. As this was the first real night out for the Dob (christened "Dobbie" - after the House Elf), we concentrated on a few "spectacular" objects.

M57 The Ring was just crisp and bright, hanging on a velvet background - good at x62 with a 20mm EP, and superb at x78 with a 16mm

Nagler. Now keen to push the magnification up a bit - a 9mm Nagler would give x139 - that might be interesting.

M13 We agreed that we had never seen this cluster better - fully resolved stars - right to the core, with star tendrils running off in many

different directions - just lovely. It hung there, like a cluster of jewels.

M31 Put on a 30mm Widescan III EP (84 degrees aFOV) so at x42 we had a full 2 degrees tFOV. M31 almost filled the EP - but above it

was M32 and below was M110. Never seen all three in one EP before. Also, we could see one or two dark lanes in M31 - we had never

seen any real structure before tonight.

Overall, a great second light for Dobbie - this 'scope is a winner. Others on SGL (Vega) have said this is a good 'scope - they are right - it is a snap to set up and the variable tension on Alt and Az make it simple to move around smoothly. The optics seem excellent and the 'scope stayed in collimation despite being bounced around on the back seat of my car (we checked the collimation with a laser collimator and it was almost spot on - we will recollimate next time out).

So thanks to Steve for the 10" Skyliner Dob - a great piece of kit. Martin and I are wondering how to keep the other members of our local Astro Soc away from it (it has just been bought for the Astro Soc of Glasgow). We want it - they will have to fight us to get it.

I wonder how the 12" Skyliner performs ???? Hmm .... Steve - have you got one in stock? .... my wallet is bracing itself. We are now converts to the cult of the Dob - aperture is KING.

Tom (and Martin)

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oh yes, forgot to mention - I also admired your double!

Mmmm .... always a great view - the colours really stand out and contrast nicely with each other. Another good one is gamma andromedae - just a beautiful, but a little closer together - saw it tonight.


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