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Micro Four Thirds Cameras

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Has anyone had any issues with using an EP projecter for taking pictures, using a micro four thirds camera?

I have an Olympus E PL1 and a Astro Revelation EP projector and with everything set up, as per the manual, I seem unable to focus on either planetary or deep space objects. It's almost as if the focal range has altered and I need a longer / shorter tube.

Apologies if this sounds niave but I'm new to the world of DSLR's and still don't have the correct jargon!


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Hi,Has anyone had any issues with using an EP projecter for taking pictures, using a micro four thirds camera? I have an Olympus E PL1 and a Astro Revelation EP projector and with everything set up, as per the manual, I seem unable to focus on either planetary or deep space objects. It's almost as if the focal range has altered and I need a longer / shorter tube. Apologies if this sounds niave but I'm new to the world of DSLR's and still don't have the correct jargon! Thanks

It's normal with a camera like yours @ http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/olympusepl1 to replace the cam lens with a cam to 1-1/4" scope adapter to attach cam direct onto scope with EP removed - the scope focusing knob adjusted for a sharp image on the cam LCD view screen. Faint deepsky objects need a long exposures of many seconds or minutes duration but the moon and brighter planets can be snapped in brief exposures - just experiment and good luck;-)
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