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comparison.good option

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when i was researching to what scope to buy i narrowed it down to just 2.these were the skywatcher skyline 250px and the zhummel 10".

when it came down to the facts i had more pros for the 250px this side of the puddle and not much info at all on the zhummel,which sort of made the decision easy.

know looking back and revisiting the question i have came to the same conclusion with more info n both scopes and the biggest thing that stood out to me from pics was that the zhummel seemed more "plasticy"but i cant be sure due to its colour,also it does come with a laser colminator and not much less price wise after shipping from usa,one point that has come up again and again is that it comes with no instructions what so ever which being a novice would have stumped me at the time but this is no longer an issue instructions are now attached.it also has a similar review as the 250px all customers seem to be very happy so i thnk its the american twin of the 250px but with slightly more accessories when purchased.hope this is helpfull thanks sam

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The other thing to bear in mind is what happens when something goes wrong and it needs to be returned?

Sending something back to a dealer here, or getting them to collect, is pretty easy. For a US based supplier this will be hugely more problematic and costly.

Also, did you factor in any additional custom & excise VAT charges that might apply when bringing the Zhummel in? This usually catches people out when they look at the straight $ price..

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