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Finally managed a proper "First Light". Beautiful clear sky last night, even with the moon! Spent a lot of time on the moon with various filters etc. I found it a bit too bright.

Spent time playing with EPs etc. As it got darker I practised finding things and getting a feel of moving the scope around. Did a star test on Vega and a couple of other stars (don't know what they were!) and all seems OK :smiley:

It was getting pretty cold, down to 4C, (a lot of condensation on EPs etc) so I came in, checked Stellarium put some sensible clothes on, then went out again and played around till Jupiter appeared, and that made it all worth while, Quite amazing!

I realise I need a red light torch as I was getting EPs muddled up in the dark. Next time I'll make a plan and go hunt some Messiers.

Thank you weather Gods. You've mad an old man very happy!

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Sounds likea good start. I was out around 11pm but only with the binos looking at the moon and generally stargazing. It was very cold even then but like you said, with the moon near enough full it was still quite dark.

With the EPs, i tend to keep mine in my pockets when im not using them, your body heat will keep off at condensation that wants to form, plus you can feel which EP your getting out, as in, the 25mm its alot longer than the 10.

Lets hope clear skies for tonight :)

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I keep my EP's on the scope in the holder with the cap on. Saves accidental finger marks when changing them and keeps off the dew. When viewing I use my hooded coat to keep out any stray light and moisture.

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