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Out again

The Warthog

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When I got home tonight, there was a bright moon overhead, and I could pick out Orion through the gaps in the clouds. I'd actually been watching two stars as I was driven home, and thought I was watching Sirius and Procyon, but they turned out to have been Rigel and Betelgeuse. Observing from a vehicle is difficult.

I pointed the scope at the moon without using the finder, as I could just adjust the shadow of the scope on the snow until it was pointed dead at the moon. I popped in my 8mm X-Cel, and started looking for something to draw. I ended up making a not-bad sketch of something, but I am having difficulty finding it on either of the two maps I've consulted. Anyway, learning curve, you know.

Tried to look for some clusters in Auriga, but between the moon and the local LP, I could only see Capella, so I packed it in. It is -13 tonight, but there's no wind, and I had my parka and toque on, so the cold didn't bother my hands particularly, and I had quite enjoyed being out.

Anyway, I found my red/blue LED flashlight, which had disappeared two or three weeks ago. Losing it upset me as I paid US$27 for it last summer, and I am quite pleased with it. It was on the kitchen counter, where it has probably been for three weeks. D'oh!

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LOL DONE IT BEEN THERE CAZ, heheheheheh hey  hang on a min try imaging for 4 hrs  ehheheeh. dont foget all my puter stuff is housed cant risk it in the damp , you have to be comfortable when doing this hobby oh heck thats enough excuses , its my AGE GAL LOL


You can always come and keep me warm though :clouds2:

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Nice report Warthog...

-13, ooh yeah. Nice and fresh! At the sort of temperature I'd have to swap the Speedo's for some 3/4's !! :clouds2:

I'll like it like that, cold and no wind - lovely!

I find myself craning my neck out the window when driving home - can be a touch dangerous, but hey, life's a risk right!! :?

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:shock: :shock: -13 !!!!!....Are you crazy (?) :shock: :shock:

Caz :sunny:

In a word, yes.

I have slept outside at -30, but I'm too old to do that any more. You just have to dress for it. I wouldn't have gone out if it had been windy, though.

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