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Yet another pair of bins

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Ok so I already have three pairs of bins I use regularly - little super close focus ones for butterflies and dragonflies, a rather flash pair of 8x42s for birding and the whopping 15x70s for astro. I've recently picked up a red dot finder bracket which I'm finding very useful. But the big bins are too big for flying and the birding bins don't have a tripod bush so I've just picked up a pair of Helios Naturesport 10x50s for star gazing on hols.

I'm off on a birding trip to Brazil and I'm hoping for dark skies. With a star atlas, the RDF and a bit of luck, I'm hoping to tick off a few DSOs while I'm there.

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I have no trouble taking my 15x70's around with me.

You'll certainly see a fantastic amount with the 10x50's. But Brasil is in a very humid climate, and you may have to leave your bins outside for a fair while before they reach ambient temp and don't fog up. I love birding aswell, get fantastic views of the Oceans seabirds. I'd kill for a trip to the Brasilian main land.

have a great trip

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