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Using Setting Circles

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Answering questions, helping others understand and giving nudges in the right direction is the very basis for the existence of this forum. You are most welcome. It would be great to compile the various hints and tips into one tutorial, but it would most likely not work for one and all, as everyone is looking for a different tidbit to put it all together. If you'd like to combine Greg's and my postings, I'm sure I wouldn't mind. (I would do it, but I just don't have the time.) This is where specific questions help. Some of us are more long winded than others, (who, me?), and sometimes accidentally hit on something you didn't know you wanted when you asked. So, ask away! No one will berate or ridicule you for asking. And if we don't answer your specific question, ask again, and you may get something more to boot.

(P.S. No quotes needed for my nickname, Astroman. AM is good, Steve is fine too, but I wouldn't want to be confused with all the other Steves in here. 8) )

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Ron, what can I say? Once again you have flabbered my garst within an inch of it's life!

Nothing I see in those pictures looks other than professional and may I say that includes the garden. :wink:

I can indeed see the disc postion and as I can practically read it from here can understand why you have had enormous success with their use!

Handyman extraoidinaire doesn't do justice to your expertise Ron but it's the best I can come up with. I'm thankful in some ways that we are not close neighbours as I can imagine the air indoors would tremor quite frequently with such expressions as....."Now why can't you do things like that?"...etc.etc... :D

Still in awe, CW

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Ron, what can I say? Once again you have flabbered my garst within an inch of it's life!

Nothing I see in those pictures looks other than professional and may I say that includes the garden. :wink:

I can indeed see the disc postion and as I can practically read it from here can understand why you have had enormous success with their use!

Handyman extraoidinaire doesn't do justice to your expertise Ron but it's the best I can come up with. I'm thankful in some ways that we are not close neighbours as I can imagine the air indoors would tremor quite frequently with such expressions as....."Now why can't you do things like that?"...etc.etc... :D

Still in awe, CW

Hey, don't overdo it, I will start to believe you next.

Thanks anyway my old mate. I have a new roll off shed in place now, just delivered today, but I will need to modify it a little. The roll off bearing surfaces are not what I expected, and would prove to be a headache in the long run. I am not attaching any blame to the makers, as I probably did not make the drawing detailed enough. I will soon have it sorted. Also, in need of a pillar to take the height of my wedge up it's position, I called in to a scrapyard just outside a small village, where I played a round of golf this morning. I explained to the guy what I would like, he said I don't have any metal, but I have some very high pressure water pipe. I had to walk half a mile to get a look At this stuff, and having played 18 holes, I was a bit jaded to say the least. However, I perked up when I saw what he was referring to. Blimey, I don't know what kind of pressures are running through this pipe, but it was 10" outside diameter, and the pipe wall was an inch thick. The length I chose was 9 foot long. I had to dash home and borrow my mates pickup to transport it home. I struggled to get the bleeder into the back of the P/U as it was one hell of a weight. However, planted into the ground 3 feet, and filled with concrete, with a 1" thick alloy plate set into the top, it will be as solid as a brick thingy. I will keep you posted with a pic or two as I progress.



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Your just showing off now Ron. Is that steel pipe you're talking about? Steel pipe 9' long 8" bore? If so you must have been wearing your pants outside your tights and did your T shirt have a big 'S' on it by chance?

Bet you cut a dashing figure on the golf course! :wink:


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Your just showing off now Ron. Is that steel pipe you're talking about? Steel pipe 9' long 8" bore? If so you must have been wearing your pants outside your tights and did your T shirt have a big 'S' on it by chance?

Bet you cut a dashing figure on the golf course! :wink:


Nay Nay lad, high density plastic stuff, but it will drill and tap very nicely.

And I am afraid my Dash cutting days are past me now. Everything at a leisurely pace now, and you know what?, you see more.


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The LEDs and timer are homebrewed. If you are electronics savvy, you can use a 555 timer chip to power the LED's with a 9v battery.

Thanks for the inspiration, Astroman. It was only recently that I discovered they still HAD "discrete" components! Thought things might have been "miniaturized" out of sight (of mere mortals) by now... 8)
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Sorry about the sizes, but here's the pictures of my setting circles. These will be used on the 16" F/5 I'm designing and building. There are no numbers on them yet, because I'm not sure how they'll be oriented yet. The RA dial is actually 13 3/4" in diameter, not 14". The closeup shows one hour of RA, down to minutes.

I'm fairly excited. :wink:




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These will be used on the 16" F/5 I'm designing and building.



You could do with an apprentice... :wink: I'm very good with glue and string :D And Chilli..The Texan one as well..

PS.. May I congratulate your rugby players on putting up a splendid fight against the English this afternoon, they deserved every point..Well done.. :lol:

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You will have no problem locating objects with those AM. Divisions down to 60" is as good as a GoTo. A star atlas with 2000 Epoch coordinates, and you just can't fail.

Have you got a dividing engine by any chance?

Ron. :wink:

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Thanks, guys. They may get a test run on the 10" split ring I'll use as a test bed for the 16".

Greg: You'd be welcome as an apprentice, anytime. I've got plenty to keep us both busy for at least a year. Or five. :shock: Didn't hear about the rugby team, thanks. I never played it, but my sister did. (She also held a brown belt in Tae Kwon Do. She used me for practice.) I take it they lost?

Ron: The circles were made on a milling machine a friend of mine had, (he's since moved away). He indexed every other (or was it every third?) stop on the rotary table, and I just scratched the notches in. Scratch, turn, scratch, turn...Took about 9 hours.

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Thanks, guys. They may get a test run on the 10" split ring I'll use as a test bed for the 16".

Greg: You'd be welcome as an apprentice, anytime. I've got plenty to keep us both busy for at least a year. Or five. :shock: Didn't hear about the rugby team, thanks. I never played it, but my sister did. (She also held a brown belt in Tae Kwon Do. She used me for practice.) I take it they lost?

Ron: The circles were made on a milling machine a friend of mine had, (he's since moved away). He indexed every other (or was it every third?) stop on the rotary table, and I just scratched the notches in. Scratch, turn, scratch, turn...Took about 9 hours.

Patience my friend, patience, that's what it takes. ;)

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