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Some Solar shots from the 28th.


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A thread caught my eye in the observing section on Saturday morning >>http://stargazerslou...-h-alpha-today/<<, so I made sure that I took the opportunity when it came about...

I had a little break in the clouds on Saturday and managed to get out for an hour or so! I concentrated on the the proms and David was right, they were spectacular! :)

This is an image of the same active regions but at different frequencies (is that the right term?) using the tuning dial on the PST .

This is a three pane mosaic showing most of the Eastern limb.

I also took some AVIs in a strip across the disc as most of the interesting stuff seems to be at roughly the same latitude, still really struggling to get each pane at the same brightness...

This image is one image, with the proms and disc processed separately. I have another which is a composite of two, one taken for the disc and the other with an over exposed disc to highlight the proms (but I cannot find it).

After seeing David's (a different David) images here >>http://stargazerslou...b-28-july-2012/<< I had a go at the invert view as his looked pretty darn good. His is better, but I'm happy with mine. You can really see how much better the bigger solar scopes are :)

All images captured in ICCapture, stacked in AVI Stack, wavelets in R5, final processing in CS5. DMK21/PST and TV 2.5 Power mate.

Hope that you like :)


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