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NGC7000 - Tips


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NGC7000 is a petty large object so with your 250PX and 450D you will need to choose a small part of it to concentrate on. The 'Wall' region would be perfect as shown below with a reticule representing your field of view superimposed on top of it:-


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thanks for that. I have ask how you superimposed my FOV over like that ?

Secondly i assume if i use my goto it may not get the Wall Region, is there anything specific i can goto ?


John B

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I control my EQ6 via my PC and the planetarium software Cartes du Ciel using the ASCOM driver EQMod. This allows me to synchronise with the planetarium software and then select an object and move the telescope to it. In this way, I can point my telescope to any point I chose in the night sky.

The reticule overlay was produced from within Cartes du Ciel.

To find 'The Wall' using your hand controller, all you have to do is take a series of, say, 10 second exposures, select NGC7000 from your EQ6 hand controller and then move due south about a degree examining the low visibility image until you can see The Wall's outline.

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