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Jupiter and a filter?


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Looking through my scope Jupiter looks awesome......I tried again to catch Jupiter holding my phone in front of the EP. Perfect sharp image but Jupiter itself appears as a bright disc with a blue and brown glow on the edges. Basically similar as Venus, no detail but pure brightness

Would a filter help decrease brightness of the planet so details will appear on my images? Moon filter or something?

I do manage to get slight, very slight, detail on my images when its bit blurry so that is no good.

p.s. Saturn has worked out great and I have amazing shots using my phone in front of the EP.

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You're not going to get good images by holding your phone up the eyepiece. You'll need an imaging device that allows you set the exposure time in order to avoid saturating the image. That's the only way you're going to avoid seeing only a white disk.

In terms of visual observing, the lack of detail isn't due to Jupiter being overly bright. In fact, having more aperture and a brighter image will bring out the subtle colours. I've done a head to head with an 18" and an 8": the view was much brighter in the 18" and the 18" brought out the bluish equatorial colours better. The brightness definitely wasn't a hindrance. In fact, Jupiter is not that bright in absolute terms and if you do something such as adding a neutral density filter then you will see less detail. One possible exception to that is if you have eye problems that lead to effects such halos at night.

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I own the #80A Medium Blue color filter from Orion and it doesn't cut down brightness but increases contrast between the white/brown belts and red cloud belts. An ND filter would help cut down on that "top layer of brightness" and thus increase contrast. I haven't tried this though so don't take it from me. Maybe someone else has...

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