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Should I clean my Corrector Plate?

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I notice there has been a little bit of buildup of dust and some water mark on my schmidt cassegrain corrector plate. It's been over a year now since I have own the telescope but I am anxious on cleaning it. I haven't notice any problem when i'm observing, it doesn't seem to be affecting the performance, but i'm thinking would it affect imaging?

If I should clean it, any advice on how to do it and what to use. Thanks!

Clear Skies!

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It really does not sound bad. I'm sure it is not messing with your views. I say leave it alone. If and when the time comes to clean it, just use some de-ionised wated. Failing that..................distilled (filtered) water.

SCT's are a bit like refractors. They dont need much upkeep on the optics.................unless they get really really bad.

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