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Help with DSS

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I'm fighting DSS on several fronts at the moment...

First, I loaded in a number of images threw out the ones I didn't like and stacked them. It's now showing me a nice bright image and I've saved it as a TIFF. If I load the saved image in another application however it appears very dark. Is this "just how it works" and what it's showing me is "temporarily enhanced", or is there some what to save an image that will look like it appears on-screen? Do I need to fiddle with the image in photoshop or something similar?

What's the easiest way to convert the TIFF or FITS image saved into a JPEG or PNG?



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If your making adjustments in DSS then when you save it as a tiff you need to tick the option embed adjustments in saved image

Or something like that I think it's under where you give the file a name

When you open it in PS or whatever it should look the same as the DSS screen

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Yep, when you save it just tick the box as mentioned above.

All I do to save the pic as a jpeg is open it in PS/Gimp or whichever one you have then go to "save as" and it give you a little drop down menu where you choose which format to save it in.

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