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Sounds like a lovely evening, Laser. If you get the chance, try for a little siesta and everything will be fine. Nothing like a little 20 minute nap in the afternoon to recharge those batteries.

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was lovely tempeture last night , i had alot of skyglow last night though and couldnt get details out of most objects . i said half hour at 11 o clock, bought scope in at nearly 2 a.m, now im bushed for work.

might take up Qualia's idea and siesta, will have to be in tiolets though so the boss wont see. :rolleyes2:

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I had to get up at ten to 6 this morning for work so I couldn't stay out too late last night. i planned to stay out until 12 as it was lovely and clear, but tiredness got the better of me! I might have a siesta on Friday afternoon before I try again Friday night!

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Have to agree with Laser. Was "unfortunate" to have to get up at 3.30am to meet up with one of my drivers to start work. Last few days nights have been warm & clear. It was great to drive to work & get to see Jupiter & Venus in the east & was even treated to a couple of meteors streaming across the sky which I assume may be the start of the arrival of the Perseids shower...

Still got back home in an hour to get last rgasp sleep before I had to go back to work.

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