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Revisiting old data, new processing M57


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I originally took this as second light for the 383L and the first time Sandrine had decided to see what all this imaging was all about.

The source data is ok, although it has issues with guiding that cause blurring but it's interesting experiment none-the-less.

Original, as processed then with full lights, flats darks etc at native resolution:


Just a quick initial revisit to see what detail I could get out if it.. I'll revisit with using lights and darks next to remove that annoying hot pixel that's snaked it's way across it!

Both at native resolution after image resolution enhancement


With sharpening to bring out the detail:


By using external point spread deconvolution on the second image above (akin to my idea of using the guider images to deconvolute) using the star in the top right I think I can say this is showing some nice detail now:


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Yup, I've not applied darks or flats in the drizzled image inputs - I wanted to see if the output was worth the hours of processing time :D

An interesting site here showing different scope images of M57:


I think this technique gives AO a run for it's money (i.e. this isn't another £500!).

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Ok, so registering the 8 images that made this took 40 minutes and stacking the registered images took 32 minutes.. I'm still playing with the processing but I'm still playing :)


This is:

1. Dark and flat processing

2. Integer 4x X & 4x Y upscale (the previous images were interpolated upscaling, so it's interesting it makes a difference - it explains the slight blockiness)

3. Rotate 45deg

4. Registration

5. Integrate

6. De-convolute with star as external PSF

7. Alter curves

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