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SW Autofocuser

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I have been wondering if it is possible to run a SW autofocuser from a powering at all?

It is currently powered by a 9v battery, connected by a cable with a telephone type connection. I would need a transformer to step the 12v powertank down to 9v. Maplins do one with a cigarette plug, but I'm not sure how to connect it to the telephone type socket on the autofocuser?

Can anyone help at all please!


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1. Because I had a pig of a time getting the battery in and the lid closed. I actually dented the battery in the process and in fact I think I had to unscrew the back of the case to get the retaining clip to lock in.

2a. Because I never remember to buy replacements when I've used the last battery. My guitar tuner, multimeter, stud/wire/pipe finder and my laser level all run on PP3 batteries and it's practically guaranteed that i've used the last one for one of them.

2b. I can go weeks without leaving home (I'm a bit sad like that :) and would never drive to the nearest town just to buy batteries. I have actually probably gone months without going anywhere near anywhere that has open shops.

3. Because it's on my Mak, which gets used for imaging and I have mains power for the laptop and mount motors, so it's there.

4. Because I can :)


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They're never recharged when you need them to be though, at least not in this house :) I've read that rechargeables aren't that great in the cold though, so I've always avoided them for powering astro gear.

What I really need is a big rack that can hold all our rechargeable batteries at once and keep them nicely charged all the time so that when I need some they're always there, ready to go. Probably not exactly energy-efficient though. Perhaps I could power it off a water wheel inside one of the guttering downpipes...


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They're never recharged when you need them to be though, at least not in this house :) I've read that rechargeables aren't that great in the cold though, so I've always avoided them for powering astro gear.

What I really need is a big rack that can hold all our rechargeable batteries at once and keep them nicely charged all the time so that when I need some they're always there, ready to go. Probably not exactly energy-efficient though. Perhaps I could power it off a water wheel inside one of the guttering downpipes...


No, rechargeables power drops off a cliff when the temperature gets anywhere near freezing apparently (well, unless you keep it in a very big pocket of course - but that makes it a little difficult to use. :grin: )

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  • 1 month later...

This morning I decide to change the SW AF from the ST80 to the SW 200 and have found that there is just not enough power in the battery to move the focuser so I have been playing with all sorts of 9v power supply to get it moving, without success. Thing is I now know thanks to James that it is possible, just have to plod on and see what the problem is (:


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