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help with video conversion please

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I posted an image on the imaging/planetary forum taken with an olympus camera.

This image was created by 'stopping the video', using Prtscrn and then rotating and cropping in Photoshop Elements v7.

HOWEVER what I would like to do is to run the whole of the video through Registax or AS!2 to see what I can develop.

BUT no matter what I do I cannot convert the Olympus camera vide (format*.mp4) into an avi or mpeg file that is recognised by Registac, VirtualDub or AS!2.

I've used Any Video Convertor v3.4.0 in my trials.

For information I've attached the image (of Moon, Jupiter, Venus & Alldebaran) formed from a single snapshop.

Any and all help welcome


Tony Owen


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Also give ffmpeg a go. It's a free command-line tool with built-in support for *lots* of audio & video codecs and container formats. In your case it should be as simple as executing:

ffmpeg -i myfile.mp4 -vcodec rawvideo output.avi

Uncompressed video ("rawvideo") should be accepted by most tools.

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Dear Steve, GreatAttractor and Squeaky.

Thank you for your suggestions, unfortunately none solve the problem.

I tried Freemake v3.0.2.15, mp4cam2avi v2.90, ffmpeg (couldn't load the static versions) and formatfactory v2.96.

In all cases, when trying to load into Registax5.1.9.2 or VirtualDub v1.9.11; I get the message:

cannot find decompressor for H264


cannot find decompressor for XVID

I've tried both 32bit and 64 bit versions of VirtualDub

What am I doing wrong, not doing, or missing?

regards and thanks again


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Yeah, I went through about six different programs and tried all of their options for AVI types each, until I finally found one that did the job.

It might just be a case of perseverance.

One other possibility - if your camera has an option in video for outputting your mp4 in either NTSC or PAL - then I think that NTSC is probably the better one for this sort of thing. Especially if it needs converting.

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I think I've cracked it, or rather found a route that works (for me).

I installed two compression codec that find their way into VirtualDub. These are:

x264vfw -H264 / MPEG-4 Avc


Xvid MPEHG -4

Using Format Factory I converted the MP4 file to an avi.

I opened this avi file in VirtualDub using one of the above codec and saved the processed file as Old Format avi.

This then ran under Registax 5.5.

HOWEVER the file would not open under AS!2 so I used pipp to make 'another avi file' which did function under AS!2.

To be perfectly honest I do not really know what I have done. It was all google searching for ideas and trying them.

It is not an intuative or logical procedure



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