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CPC800 turns up tomorrow

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Hi all my New baby arrives tomorrow CPC800

My main aim is AP, I currently own the Neximage, Meade DSI colour and a Canon EOS300D.

I havent bought a wedge yet (too expensive after buying the scope)

what sort DSLR exposure will i get with out a wedge? 30sec? 60sec?



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The CPC range are all on Alt/Az mounts. Great for imaging planets - run a webcam on them for as long as you have video storage. For DSO's I've heard folks quoting 20-30secs before star trailing starts to show up big time. To get round that you'll need two things - a wedge and a 6.3 focal reducer. F-10 is a long ratio for dso imaging - so these two additions are pretty essential. :)

(The 800 though is a beaut of a scope though - I had a lot of pleasure from mine before I upgraded - congrats!)

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It reduces the focal length of the scope to make it "faster". This will enable you to capture images quicker than with a longer focal length - the CPC800 is f-10. The reducer brings it down to f-6.3 and reduces exposure time by a factor of 3. It's a corrector as well and also widens the fov so you can capture larger objects. :)

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The corrected fixes the elongated stars at the edge of your FOV. Also know as field flattener. Most reducers incorperate field flatteners now because if you need one you almost always need the other.

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I have a question about storage,

I live on private land with my family but im in a flat. I dont fancy carrying in it up and down every time i want to go out so i want to get shed to store it in.

Im concerned that if i store it out side all year that moisture will get to and damage the scope,

heres one im interested in, my main concerns are , Heat, Damp and Frost


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Take every precaution to keep moisture off the electronics. I keep mine in the house and allow adequate cooldown time when taken outside. I also let it warm up gradually when bringing inside with a spell in the utility room first. It does sit outside for up to a week at star parties under a good waterproof cover - but I wouldn't do that on a permanent basis. Do you have a shed or garage where you can keep it on ground level for convenience? :)

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