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Photos of moon with Telescope and phone cam


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Hi everyone, a couple months back we were doing an experiment with microscopes in a science lesson and was told to record what we saw through the microscope. My teacher told us that we could try to use our phone cameras to try and get some pics. The outcome was successful.

Anyway this gave me an idea to try this with a telescope and I was suprised with the quality and ease I could get pictures with this technique. This is my first attempt at astrophotography and I think it went very well. Here are some pictures I took:


This is one of the first images I took of the moon.


And then here is one of the best that I could take.

The telescope I have and used for these images is a meade etx 80.

Please let me know what you think, thanks!

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They are two very nice images well done!

I my self have taken LOADS of images using my phone Camera and the moon always comes out good :)

Its when you start to try and get the planets things go a bit...wrong haha

I tried saturn, Jupiter and Mars and the only half decent one was Jupiter, you could JUST about make out some cloud bands although three of its moons were pretty good.

Keep up the good work!

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I got a few pics of jupiter with its moons but Jupiter itself isnt very clear and its moons are good but holding the camera steady is very tricky lol. Same with Saturn, not a clear image. Hopefuly going to try and move on a step and buy a camera and attachments.

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Ye I know what you mean there! I took me ages and around 30 snaps to get just one image that was just about ''OK'' haha

I will defo go in the realms of AP but as the moment I am saving for a nice big new scope :) got a long way to go yet so it will be a while before I start to see some good images haha but it will be worth it im sure.

I look forward to seeing some more images from you then once you get your AP gear :)

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