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EQMOD and Polaris HA time - Need some help!


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I am trying to PA my scope using the EQMOD polar align. Clouds are a problem, but that's a different story!

My question is this - In the EQMOD screen I have a Polaris HA time, is this supposed to be the right time at the moment? I ask as Polaris HA time is showing 23:36 while my time is 23:18. Won't this affect alignment as I'll be setting Polaris at the wrong time?

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Sara, the hour angle shown by the EQMod PA tool does not relate to local time. What it does show is the time since the last Polaris transit starting at the 24h/00h position at the bottom of the PA tool clock face - i.e. what would be the the six o'clock position on a normal clock face.

The hours are counted in 24 one-hour segments (not 12 as in a normal clock), counter-clockwise from the 24h/00h (six o'clock) position.

So the answer would be no. It does not matter that the two are not the same.

I hope I've explained that clearly enough! ;)

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