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Vixen Polarie - Is It Value For Money?


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Maybe this is a silly question but is the Vixen Polarie value for money, especially in light of the recent package for the AT from Teleskop Service (http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/language/en/info/p3812_Astrotrac-travelset---complete-set-with-tripod-and-ball-head.html/action/shopping_cart.php/products_id/3812/language/en/info/p3812_Astrotrac-travelset---complete-set-with-tripod-and-ball-head.html).

My concern for the Polarie, in which I'm interested due to the price being less than the AT standard 'RRP' when looking at the suggested package options however arise due to the need for a very stable tripod and bear heads. The suggested package includes Velbon kit which I know to be less efficient than Manfrotto and also the known load capacity of the Polarie is far less than the AT.

I appreciate that the Polarie is not the AT and that the Polarie is designed for DSLR use only (or at the most very very light scopes) but I suppose my question is - does the AT out perform the Polarie to a significant degree to justify the increased costs and now that the AT can be had with the Triton gear (see link above) does this simply rue out the Polarie completely.

I have seen another thread about the suitability of the Triton gear over the Manfrotto so I wont repeat that hear.

Cheers guys.

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