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Interesting Observation - Mac's, Dslr Prores 4:2:2 Video

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I shot some video previously using my camera (a panasonic GH2) - the output is either avchd or mpeg.

Previously I stacked the video in lynkeos on the mac or registax on a pc. The video on mac was native quicktime or converted to avi for pc

Anyway I took advantage of apple's 30 day free trial for Final Cut Pro X to test the Prores internal format and imported my original avchd and mpeg footage converting to Prores 4:2:2

(Prores is an internal high quality interchange format)

I then re-exported the video as a Prores 4:2:2 quicktime file,

Then I tried restacking in lynkeos and even though the original wasn't shot in 4:2:2 it seems to result in a noticeably cleaner stacked image (no extra detail but less 'grit')

(reason for trying this - I upgraded my GH2's firmware to a third party modified firmware with very high bit rate and I wanted to test the workflow to see if it works before doing any new video)

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here are some examples

one image processed normally, the other uprezzed to 10bit uncompressed raw format then stacked (Final Cut Pro export option)

My assumption is that uprezzing is similar to doing processing in 32bit or 64bit mode in pixinsight i.e. limiting floating point errors in stacking?

(not claiming extra detail - just seems cleaner, at least to me ;-)



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