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Cheshire Collimator

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Hi Guys... Can any one tell me if Cheshire Collimators are all the same irrispective of the price. I need to add one to my kit but i dont know if a cheap one for £18 would be very accurate (cross hair being dead center). Has any one bought one of these and are they any good? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/160767748003?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649......... do i need the short or long....Thanks :icon_salut:

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I'd get as good a quality one as possible.

A collimator is for life, not just christmas summer ;)

But seriously, you'll end up using this for many years, so if it were me, I'd get a good one. I don't own one, so I'll leave that up to others to recommend.



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Mine is also cheshire, used for several years, and paid only a bit more (25 pounds), although I've been happy with it, without any need for upgrading right now. Noname as well. Don't know about "short" stuff, I always avoided them, but I guess in collimators it's no difference.

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Cheers Andy... How do i know its a good quality one? Price isn't always the factor.. as prices for the same product vary from suppler :embarrassed:

Yeah. That's the big question, that I can't answer, not having used one, I'm afraid.

You should get plenty of replies soon, I reckon.

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Many feel that Catseye make the best passive (i.e. not lasers) collimation tools: http://www.catseyecollimation.com They're very well machined and well centered. They are 2" tools so no need to mess around with adapters. They come with a replacement center spot which works better with them.

Just to clear up one thing when looking at that site. What you are calling a "Cheshire" is a tool combining both a Cheshire and a sight-tube. The sight-tube portion is the bit with the cross-hairs. The Cheshire portion is this: http://www.catseyecollimation.com/xl-bc640.jpg and Catseye call theirs a "Blackcat" The sight-tube portion is this: http://www.catseyecollimation.com/sxl-xls-in-640.jpg and he calls it a "Teletube" The combination tool of a Cheshire and sight tube he calls a "Telecat"

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