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I experienced the same and it comes down to Debayer or not Debayer.

Essentially the camera can do that for your or you can choose to do that as part of processing workflow. The idea bieng higher frame if you do it post capture.

What you need to make sure is that the 'Video Size and Colour Format' and the 'Codec match'. No point caputuring raw and saving as RGB. Also watch out for programs that dont like/cant support RGB32.

To capture in colour (camera does the debayer) I use YUY2 and RGB24

To capture raw (camera does not debayer) I use Y800 and Y800

For y800 i the use a PreFilter in RS6 (IC defaults to BG).

I hope this helps


Note that occasionally in raw capture RS6 can throw a wobbler and produce a mono image not worked out why yet but probably too low gain/exp.

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Is there a simpletons guide any where as I have no idea what debayer dose and what advantages/ disadvantages there are to it. Why is it the image is colour in IC yet the AVI isn't ? Would it not be more user friendly to show in IC what you are going toend up with ?

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Here's the science of debayer - http://uk.ask.com/wiki/Bayer_filter

and there's this guide http://www.astronomycameras.com/blog/archive/20080517/colored-raw-data-uncompressed-y800-capture-registax-import/

As menioned before the advantage is that if you turn off debayer the camera doesn't have to do soo much processing and can concentrate on capture and downloading the images to the computer and therefore you get a higher FPS upto 60fps with the DFK21.

If you choose Y800/Y800 you can then enable debayer using the icon just below the HELP menu should be 'BG' this will give you a colour image and an idea but remember to turn this off BEFORE you start to capture.

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There is a good tutorial for the dfk posted on this thread (thanks Space

Cowboy and Jason!) it should get you started -


I just got my dfk on Friday so I've not had a chance to use it in the field yet but I followed the PDF today just to familiarise myself with IC and the camera. :hello2:

Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Tapatalk 2

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