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Saturn tonight (6/12/05)

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Got my 150mm f12 Mak out for the first time in a while, I just mainly wanted to look at Saturn although M42 is always worth a look.

Banding was very apparent up to x300, I usually have trouble making out detail on Saturn but tonight was pretty pronounced. The Cassini division was obvious but could n't see Enkle (again!! :clouds2:)

Considering I was only out for a quick look (Liverpool were on the tele!!) I was very impressed with Saturn tonight, I hope it's the Mak rather than my wishfull thinking after a barren couple of weeks observing.


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Yes Matey i was out till about half n hour ago best conditions in a long while, see my deep sky pics with the Canon 300D my best by a mile excellent evening under the star's :clouds2:

M78 hehe i was looking at that with my cheap 1-x50 binos nothing to right home about though :? next time i will try and get an image or two.


James :clouds2:

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