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First moon


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Hi, kind of embarassed to post this as its nowhere near the standard I see on here even from total beginners but I took this at dusk today using my heritage 130 and a vx5000 webcam. It was a trial run to see if it worked and tbh I was just glad to get an image on my laptop. I took a thirty second avi, loaded it into registax with absolutely no idea what I was doing lol, pressed align, stack and fiddled with wavelets and here's what i got. Any tips appreciated, was wondering how to get rid of the blue background and what's caused the white edges? post-35562-133877779378_thumb.jpg

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Looking at it Id say you've left the exposure setting on auto, its washed out the brighter parts of the moon. Untick the auto exposure and set it manually yourself so the whole section of the moon is lit with good contrast. :-) its far better than my first attempt!

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Thankyou for your comment, yes its certainly over exposed. Ill check if it was on auto. I don't have gain in sharpcap with this cam so i fiddled with brightness and gamma i think. The wavelets in registax made the white worse but did make it sharper. I can see how people get hooked on this stuff.

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Third time lucky, it keeps timing me out all the time no matter how fast I type!!

Sharpcap has Exposure and White balance set to auto as default settings, so just untick teh exposure and set it yourself. Regarding wavelets, from what Ive read you only use the bottom two, lowest for sharpness not sure what the other is haha!!

Id do most of the processing in Photoshop or Lightroom myself, it IS very addictive I must agree!! :-)

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569c1be2-a1f1-5ab7.jpgHere's my second attempt using xbox cam. Seems much better to me, thanks for the advice. I have photo shop just not sure what to do with it.

Sent from my GT-I8150 using Tapatalk 2

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