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Hi All

well i seem to be getting a slightly better hang of basic Polar and was able to try my hand at M86 last night.

i am not really too sure how much detail i could possibly expect but this time i seem to have a lot of green after stacking rather that red. can anybody shed a liitle light (no pun) on expecations ?

i hav loaded two, 1 is the straight dss out and the other a quick play in CS with levels and curves but as some of you know i am struggling a little to get my head/fingers around the processing stages

any and all critic or suggestions welcomed

sw80ED, canon 1100d unmod, 71 at 90sec 20 Bias

Clear Skies for the weekend to all



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i did a quick search in the dso section and it seems 86 isnt a popular subject :( any ideas on the green rather than red from the stack ? i dont have too bad LP where i am and the moon was well away before the sessiuon began

clear skies

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If it's not a popular target, I have no idea why - it's a great cluster of galaxies and your image is very nice!

I'm not certain what you mean when you say straight out of DSS? Is this with the default adjustments applied?

The left image looks as though the background has been calibrated, whereas you have struggled a bit with the colour balance on the right-hand image. I recommend using "RGB background calibration" but then saving the image without any adjustments applied. This should make it easier to process in Photoshop.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The left is too blue and the right is too green. All the colors are in there though, it's just that they are not aligned.

As for the details - i would asume almost 2 hours would give you some good details, but it's rather hard to drag any details out of this target to begin with and from a low quality jpg it's as good as impossible. But i'm sure there Is data in there. If you can, upload an uncompressed TIFF and i'm sure someone would love to give it a few min in PS or similar to show what's in there. :)

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