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the sun 20-05-12


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thanks Keiran, may i ask an open question to all sun snappers, re sunspots, i always thought spot activity was to a particular region on the sun, there is spot activity at the 7 oclock position, is this a normal event?

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Nice to actually see the Sun!! Took me a while to work out the orientation!! North is at 10 o'clock but you have east (following limb) and west (preceeding limb) reversed from the conventional view. I've appended a picture (Today's - so a little more rotation than yours) with N at the top and E to the left and W to the right - This site has a daily map that may help you: http://www.solen.info/solar/


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hi bizibuilder, ah thats where ive be going wrong, usually when i shoot the moon, i do orientate the image and flip the east west, so the image is as seen by the naked eye, this i have not done for the sun pics..........must remember to orientate image. thanks.

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hi sheri_barri thans for your comments, i have taken a close up pic of one of the spots and i agree it is just like a tadpole, but its out of focus and not good enough to show here.

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