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TS 2" Monorail SCT focuser

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Hi All,

I am still in the process of getting together my new set-up, big items CGEM C1100 and SBIG ST8300m, QHY5 guide camera for SW ST80 autoguide set up, but most of the plumbing/connecting bits are on the way. As I have substantially blown my budget (you want to see the bruises :)) I have decided on the TS 2" SCT focuser, web reviews have been in the main very positive but I was wondereing if any of you good people had actual experience in using one ( particularly for imaging set ups), so any advice or pointers would be appreciated.

In the next couple of weeks or so I should have all of the remaining "bits" for my set up, FW, filters etc.

I must admit that I have really enjoyed doing visual work again after so long ( about 5 years), pity about the recent weather :D and can't wait to get back to imaging although things have changed considerably since my last go (a SBIG camera was just a dream then ;)).

Hopefully, someone will have some knowledge on the focuser good/bad points.



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Sorry, but is this the Baader Steeltrack under another name? There's no link so I'm not sure. If so, it's good. I use one one Yves' 14 inch ODK and like it despite my oft-expressed dislike of Crayfords!)

I'll say straight away, though, that guiding an SCT with a guidescope is not what I'd be aiming to do. Most people use an OAG at those focal lengths. That's what we do.


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I've owned a couple of examples of the TS Monorail and the Baader Steeltrack so I'm very familiar with them.

The TS Monorail is made by GSO but is actually an excellent focuser for the money. It's a linear bearing design and doesn't suffer from the slippage problems that the cheaper Crayfords do. It handles the same load and works as well as Steeltrack but doesn't have the silky smooth precision feeling of the Steeltrack.

I'd recommend the Monorail as the next best alternative to the Steeltrack though if the Steeltrack's a bit too expensive.


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Olly, John,

Thanks for your replies. Between posting my question last night and picking up your replies today I did manage to get a little more info off the net. John, your reply is spot on with the extra detail I have managed to glean.

Olly, I know what you are saying about OAG, HOWEVER, I am trying to "make do" with what I have, or can get for a reasonable outlay until funds become available again (She who must be obeyed is VERY anti at the moment).

Thanks again for your replies.


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The TS Photo-newts come with the Monorail. The best part? [teasing] But moreover they do have a nice "motorfok" (TS electric focusser) which is very effective! Basically the Rigel "nFocus", with additional USB interface possibilities even... :)

Actually bought an extra "SCT" Monorail for use with my S/W MAK150. A *bit* big for a small MAK, but conveniently you can "hide" 2" filter-thread barlows, focal reducers (f10->f3.3) actually *inside* the focusser, for a neat, flexible system. ;)

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Thanks for your reply. Pretty much all I have read and have been told seems very reasonable, so I have ordered one and with a bit of luck ( not had too miuch of that recently) it should be here next week. I am trying to get as much done next week as I am away the week after caravanning as a pennance for my overbudget excesses!. Nah!, not a problem I enjoy going away in the van (just had to make sure I was at home for 6th June)


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