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Observing Session


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Now, tomorrow night is set to be good for observing, now, what should I be targetting? I really want to be nice and prepared.

I've already had some great views of Venus and Saturn (with some Mars), (and Arcturus too because I thought it was Saturn :)), so I'm going to be looking at Messier objects I think. I can't really view East, or at low height, but West, North and South are pretty reasonable views.

So, what should I go for?

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I'd take a shot at M3 with your 25mm. It's midway between Arcturus and Cor Caroli and with a little patience and decent skies should be a good match for your astronomical hunting skills. If you find her tomorrow, spare a thought for the Neanderthal who gave out his last breath and died forever just as the light of M3 has reached you. Whilst you are there abouts, I'd also split Cor Caroli, a beautiful double star named after Charles I who lost his head.

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Have you downloaded stellarium yet? It's free and is the perfect tool for planning a nights viewing.

+1 for M3, and if you're up late enough M13.



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