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Last night I watched a program called sidewalk astronomy with John Dobson. It was quite cool but I also noticed tonight they have a program with the (imo) brilliant Neil degrasso Tyson talking about the planet(?) Pluto at 23.30 :clouds2:

Just a heads up for people who stay up late or with TiVo!

I also recently watched a program called The Elegant Universe which was also from PBS. It was fundamentally about string theory and was quite interesting, even if slightly American cheese....maybe this little channel might be one to keep an eye on late night!

Edit: 243 for virgin users.

Not sent from a Galaxy S2 on Slim ICS.

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Quite touching to know the New horizons craft has Pluto's discoverer, Clyde Tombaugh's ashes onboard :clouds2:

His family must be so proud. How overwhelmed would he have been if he could have known his ashes would go to the far ends of the solar system!

Not sent from a Galaxy S2 on Slim ICS.

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Quite touching to know the New horizons craft has Pluto's discoverer, Clyde Tombaugh's ashes onboard :clouds2:

His family must be so proud. How overwhelmed would he have been if he could have known his ashes would go to the far ends of the solar system!

Not sent from a Galaxy S2 on Slim ICS.

Absolutely, couldn't agree more, if he is there in spirit he must be having a whale of a good time :icon_scratch:. Pity they demoted his 'planet' though:confused:

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Last night I watched a program called sidewalk astronomy with John Dobson.

I loved his line "The universe is made of only three things: Hydrogen, Helium, and exploded stars" :clouds2:

His take on cosmology is interesting - that when matter/energy reaches the 'edge' it is somehow recycled to begin again - thus explaining the phenonomen of increasing redshift. He is adamant that the big bang model is fundamentally flawed!

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I loved his line "The universe is made of only three things: Hydrogen, Helium, and exploded stars" :clouds2:

His take on cosmology is interesting - that when matter/energy reaches the 'edge' it is somehow recycled to begin again - thus explaining the phenonomen of increasing redshift. He is adamant that the big bang model is fundamentally flawed!

The problem with the Big bang theory as far as I am concerned is the period of 'inflation'

This seems to me to be a conclusion drawn from the facts, in other words, made to fit the facts. As I understand it the period of inflation breaks the laws of physics in that it progressed faster than the speed of light and that is a no-no anyway.

However I'm happy to be put right on this however. :icon_scratch::)

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I guess when you get to the big bang it would involve sub atomic theory....which is a problem, as of now you can't actually 100% prove it. Then you've got one half saying "Well the maths say it works" and the other side saying "You make the maths work to fit it"

I guess we just have to see what CERN bring us over the years =/

Not sent from a Galaxy S2 on Slim ICS.

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Can't edit for some reason :S

I was going to add: At a sub atomic level what exactly happens regarding the speed of light anyway.. When you're down to the very fabric of existence? Do the same rules even still apply?

Surely the energy involved in the creation of the big bang would be beyond the rules of light particles/waves anyway? Argh...I wish I studied quantum physics :clouds2:

Not sent from a Galaxy S2 on Slim ICS.

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Its an idea....So for the sake of keeping legit it might be worth checking their license. Some PBS channel programs might be good ol' shareware...like the documentary 'Home', not exactly PBS, but it was made free to download, view and distribute

Not sent from a Galaxy S2 on Slim ICS.

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