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A sad story with a bright end

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I recently succumbed to the eBay itch and picked up a pair of 8x40 Olympus binos. Unfortunately the lenses have fungal growth but other than that they are superb. I then thought about getting a slightly brighter and higher magnification binocular. Again not learning from my previous lesson I searched eBay and got the worst excuse for a binocular ever - well out of collimation and dirty objectives. The prisms actuall moved internally. So I began to consider my options and bought the recent lidl 10x50 binos. Not at all impressed I took them back a few days after buying them. At the local 2nd hand retailers I seen 10x50s in the window for £12. A bit of a view and a huddle got me them for £10. Way better than the lidl and a clear bright image what a bargain.

From the Faulty eBay binos I took the 12x eyepiece and replaced the 10x on the new working pair and tadaaaaa I have excellent pair of 12x50 binos!!!!!!

Long story short.... eBay can be the home of crooks but don't let that stop you searching for a bargain, just be careful.

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