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Software for image alignment?

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I have three images that I want to align by choosing two stars as refence points and then to re save the aligned images.

Would anyone have an idea what would be the easiest to use software to do this? A freeware programme would be ideal too.

I have tried IRIS but I am completely baffled by it.

Much thanks for any advice.

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The images are of the asteroid Flora taken at half hour intervals which shows it`s apparent motion. There are only two other stars in the field so it was those I am hoping to align with. Once I have three aligned images I can then put them into a movie sequence to show the movement of the asteroid. At the moment the images shift about a bit too much, likely due to rough polar alignment.

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It might be possible to align them with an art package such as photoshop where you can 'layer' on image on top of the other and vary the opacity of the layer so you can see where to align.

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Registar is one option that will register and stack - if you wish - or just save two images of the same size that you can play with for instance as layers in PS without having to resize, stretch or fiddle around.

I am very new to Registar, I had it demonstrated by Olly down at Les Granges but it will sort out any set of images for you, different size, different scopes and cameras - no problems. But it does cost a fair bit...


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Thanks for your response and ideas. I had a kind offer from a SGL member who aligned the images for me with Maxim DL. Now I have been able to progress and put together the movie sequence. I might have to consider investing in one of the software packages though!

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