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GP Noise reduction tools


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I'm looking at buying a general purpose noise reduction tool and was looking for comparisons with more of an emphasis on night/astro photography. I expected to find a lot more discussion than I have found.

Are there any recent discussions or is there a solution that seem to win hands down ?

I use PS-CS3 and Noel's Tools for astro stuff. I've been thinking about PixInsight but that wouldn't leave any budget for other low-light photography (underwater, caves, nightscape, etc) that are also sensitive to the noise reduction software. Milky way shots seem to be a harsh test.

Any strong views on stand-alone versus plug-in ?



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I went through a phase earlier when I just found all the ones I could and tried the demos out. Ended up buying NeatImage myself as I like the interface and speed. Comes both as standalone and plugin, where I only really use the latter.

I think Topaz DeNoise gave the best subjective results, but I didn't get on with its interface and it was really slow.

Don't imagine one button click will always give you the result you want. The default settings between them can vary a lot. If you play about with the settings they all look pretty similar anyway.

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