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Analogue films for AP


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i thought id start this thread, thers a similar one on "the other side" and it gave me some inspiration as film isnt as big as DSLR but we all most likely have got a old film DSLR kicking around

Red and HA images

*kodac E200

*kodac Ektachrome 200

*kodac elite 200

*Fujichrome HQ 400 slide film

*Kodak 400LE (it seems this was usd by law enforcement due to its good "red / blood" response

*Ilford's HP5 (but could find much on this)

Normal Images

*kodac Gold

*Fuji Provia 400f slide film (seems to come out blue / purpleish

Black and white

*Fuji Acros 100

*Kodac Tmax 400

any others that people have used post before we can add it to the list

id also like every one to discuss perhaps film might get into a revival as it could be a cheap alternative to digital AP

(just remember if your taking these films to a shop they must not be proessed in a machine, they must be hand developed)

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Hi Gaz

have you got that old Pentax then ?

Back in the day I used to do all my own developing and printing which really annoyed the rest of the family as we only had one bathroom and I was locked in there for hours.

I've still got all the equipment in the loft but don't know what the DIY chemical situation is.

I ended up just doing colour slides as they were a one pot wonder once in the can.

No good taking astro photos to ASDA to develope they dont print them as theyre " too dark" found it best to DIY


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