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Testing my xbox cam


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The skies weren't clear last night so i tested my cam mod by taking some pictures of the mountain behind my house, i took these pictures of some goats from just under half a km away.

The skies are meant to be clear tonight so i look forward to trying to get a few pics of saturn.

Very pleased with the outcome of my cam as it only cost me £4 to make and i would recommend making one to anyone, as it doesn't take long and the xbox cam is cheap and easy to get =)



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Very good cam xbox best get them before go obsolete like consoles i have modded one at moment using as skycam on it's own not attached to telescope just using different lens i attached ps3 cam lens to mine with bit of modding.

Startrailed stacked image i created using StarStaX startrails used images i took from my xbox cam used deskshare webcam monitor 5 to take multiple timelapse snap shots of skies with long exposure.

I cud possibly tweek software settings sometime less grain noise which need work on.


will be buying another xbox cam for me telescope sometime also wii cam they just as good :D when see them in local games shop second hand before they do go obsolete then again be new cams for newer consoles out :(.

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I will look forward to seeing your pictures, because I am currently waiting for a xbox camera to arrive (courtesy of fleabay) myself to be used with my scope. Here's hoping for a clear sky....

At £4.99 a piece including P&P it would be silly not to give them a try.

Just brought mine on fleabay too

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