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brief report 10.04 12 ....


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yeah, cheers for feedback chaps. i quite liked the m63 galaxy,it was brighter than expected,with a star on its extremity,it looked like a star with gas and light escaping from it. all the leo galaxies are faint and forgetful,at least from my current observing position,with exception of m105.

i know darker skies help massively but i really am getting apeture fever now.

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I'm not sure if you have seen M87 and M60 in Virgo but both of these are pretty bright all be it slightly lower in the sky.

NGC 2841 in Ursa Major is quite bright and favourably high in the sky at the moment. More difficult to find is M102 in Draco but this also has a high surface brightness and should tolerate more light polluted skies.

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I'm not sure if you have seen M87 and M60 in Virgo but both of these are pretty bright all be it slightly lower in the sky.

NGC 2841 in Ursa Major is quite bright and favourably high in the sky at the moment. More difficult to find is M102 in Draco but this also has a high surface brightness and should tolerate more light polluted skies.

cheers. i'll pop them in my notes and give them a whirl.

clear skies..

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