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Venus and Jupiter from the 22nd - with the 130SLT


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I know I said that I have retire from imaging Jupiter, but a new scope will always force one out of retirement. :D

Well, I had a reasonably clear sky from 8 till 10ish. I'm quite please as I think the results are no worse than what I was getting with the Skywatcher.



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Thats a better resultthan what I get with my 8"!

Do you use a barlow Akyra? With an 8 inch you should be able to push to a more powerful barlow than I use without light loss becoming to much of an issue. I find that over x2 and I lose lots of detail.

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Thats a better resultthan what I get with my 8"!

Do you use a barlow Akyra? With an 8 inch you should be able to push to a more powerful barlow than I use without light loss becoming to much of an issue. I find that over x2 and I lose lots of detail.

I have an Ultima x2 barlow that I use quite regulary with my 15mm, but I find that with the dob mount, using the barlow with the LPI is extremely frustrating as its just a case of a quick glimpse of light as it wooshes through the FOV, and thats before I've even had chance to focus!! I also think my collimation was seriously out of whack - now corrected I hope!

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I think there is some red/blue image plane shifting you can do with this Jupiter in Registax (blue channel down, red channel up) which should remove the colour fringing at the top/bottom

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Thanks for the tip Steve. I had a go and it seems to have removed much of the red/blue image shift but at the expense of a rust coloured planet! I don't think my planetary processing skills are up to this. :?


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I don't think my planetary processing skills are up to this. :?

5 inch reflector and a webcam. Reckon y'doin pretty good considerin how low Jup is. Looks like Jupiter t'me with the GRS plainly in sight. The sort o pic Nasa would have been happy with not s'long ago. Keep goin matey.

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