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Greasing your bits?

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Not a Euphemism.

I've noticed that the EP holder rattles around on its threads and it's quite easy to lose focus.

Also, the truss struts on my flextube get very stiff when cold.

Does anyone grease these parts on their own scope? If so, what grease should I use, how much, etc?

I'd like things to move a little more smoothly & any help would be appreciated.



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Me, I'd be afraid to put grease anywhere near where my eyepieces go.

I think all my eyepieces fit pretty tightly into the 1.25" socket, without any real need to use the screw tighteners. Or grease.

Can't advise on truss struts, sorry. My 'scope's a simple Newtonian tube.

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Can't speak from experience but have to agree, keep grease well away from EP's.

Try some Silicon spray on the truss tubes. It leaves a polished surface when the propellant evaporates and will not become a dust and debris magnet!!

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Whoa be careful with silicone spray, if you use that stuff spray it onto a cloth somewhere well away from your scope (like another county) then wipe the trusses with the cloth to apply. If you get it on your mirrors it is a swine to get off.

As it happens I have tried it on my trusses and it made little difference, I have also tried adjusting them and still no real difference. The ep holder should stay tight, mine has never came loose so I don't know what's up there but don't put grease there.

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