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Saturn, jupiter and the moon. All firsts!


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Me and my friend decided to take advantage of the clear sky last night (albeit slightly dim with the Moon more or less full) Finally I got to see Saturn :) .....wow! All images are straight out of registax....I'm no photo editor :D hehe....and were captured with a converted lifecam cinema.

First...the moon


This is from the 27th of march. I've messed with the wavelets a few times but last night my friend helped and I (we) got my best image yet.

Onto jupiter

....it was cursed from the word go, but it came out OK for me :o I think the Neodymium filter helped here as I was shooting from behind a streetlight and a hospitol!

The LED decided to come back to life during filming so I had to convert the final image to mono...but I finally got to see my own (faint) bands.


And saving the best till last...

Saturn! :)

My first time imaging this, let alone even seeing it.

I'd just finished doing a full video of the moon,to hopefully later create a mosaic from it, then we decided to try Saturn as it was just above to house coming Into view at ~1am. Wow....when it popped up on the laptop screen me and my friend were overwhelmed.


After we got a few vids we looked ourselves for the full effect...unbelievable.

Special thanks go to my new baader neodymium ir cut filter and celestron lcm 60/700 refracter hehe.

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Wow thank you! I don't mind at all, i didnt even know it could look as good as that! Not only have you filled in the blanks brilliantly, but the image on a whole looks much better...and I now notice my version has a red tint after looking at yours haha.

I need to learn to do touch ups like this :)

EDIT: I reeeeally need to clean the webcam sensor...

Sent from a Galaxy S 2 far away.

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I know I'm flogging a dead horse with this hehe, but I tried again with another Saturn vid i took on the same night. This one was shot at 720 rather then 480 zoomed in.

It's converted to black and White as the original was over saturated and I couldn't fix it in registax.

I think it looks better :)

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