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Dobsonian Dimensions

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Hi all,

I have just bought a new shed and want to build a cupboard inside it to store a dob.

I am looking to get one as big as possible (for one person to manage) and wondered if any of you with these scopes could tell me what the packed dimensions are.

I would be looking at the following models:

First Light Optics - Skywatcher Skyliner 250PX FlexTube GOTO

Most likely this one:

First Light Optics - Skywatcher Skyliner 300P FlexTube GOTO

Possibly this:

First Light Optics - Skywatcher Skyliner 350P FlexTube Dobsonian

I am assuming that the Dobs are stored as they appear, just being flextubes they reduce their tube length a little and store upright so I only need to consider the foot print of the base?

Can goto either a) be stored outside with the scope or :) be easily detatched?

Once I've got these answers I've then only got the small task of convincing my wife (who already thinks my 150p is 'a bit big') that getting a big dob is what I actually need! ;)

Many thanks

EDIT: Just a side note, the viewing area will be within 20 feet of the shed in the centre of my back garden. I dont intend this to be a portable device as I will get a small Mak for that later on. I havent really considered the 400p simply because from what I can see it is really difficut to work with being 6 feet 6 inchs or more when pointing upright. If anyone can give an indication of the maximum EP height for the scopes above that'd also be helpful. I'm 6 foot exactly.

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unless you have double-doors...the 350 base will not go through in one piece.

the 400 will indeed need a small stool for standing on.

the 250 & 300 will easily go under most stairs in the house.

the go-to is very easily detatched from the base for storage or transporting.

the 12inch is more comfortable to use due to the eyepiece height..less bending than with the 10inch.

if you suffer from light-pollution...bigger aperture is better...& go-to almost a nessesity.

once aligned..it will find stars you just can't see & could spend hours never finding

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