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DSS output is blue -why?

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I've just run DSS on 47 RAW 300 second images produced on my Canon 1000D. There are around 30 darks and 30 flats as well. I used all the recommended settings.

The file displayed by DSS at the end of processing looks to have a good colour balance and the peaks of the colour channels displayed on the graph in DSS all have pretty much the concurrent peaks. However, when I load the .tif file into Photoshop CS2, it has a very distinct blue cast. What am I doing wrong? All the flats have a blue cast, but according to the DSS FAQ file this shouldn't noticably affect the final image.

(The colour balance on the jpeg versions of the RAW files saved at the same time is correct)


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Thanks Terry, it now has a slight red cast, but overall it is MUCH better. :icon_salut::icon_salut:

Slight red is better than blue. That might just be light pollution. Also sometimes trying RGB background calibration = Yes helps. Also note on the Lights Tab, where these settings appear, there is also an "options" pull down where you can get it to align the rgb chanels as none, medium, middle, max. Try middle.

Some times it takes a while to get the right combination of settings for a particular stack.

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