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Dss how many shots

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Hi all I've got a Panasonic lumix 3gf it's only got 1 min shutter time and can't hook it up to a laptop as it seems it can't b done ? How many shots should I stack on average ?.also when I stack in raw it comes out a sort of mono Crome colour with a hint of colour but I can't seem to pull colour out of pics so having to use jpegs for now til prob it resolved

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Once you have stacked in DSS in the processing section click the 'Saturation' Tab and move it upto about 15% (thats usually a good number for me)

You're way better off with RAW data than JPEGS as you tend to lose data/detail in JPEGS due to the compression of JPEGS.

Depends what you are imaging really as to how many shots should be stacked, rule of thumb is "More is always better" :blob10:

Hope that helps

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