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Newbie with a first scope

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Hi, I finally took the plunge and bought a Celestron Powerseeker 70AZ scope. I had been contemplating having a look into the hobby (pun intended) for quite some time. A friend suggested the Celestron as a reasonable entry level instrument that would not break the bank.

Now the learning curve begins and I am hoping to find the hobby as absorbing as I imagined it to be. :)

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As I was saying to my girlfriend last night, the best thing I've done this year is watching Stargazing Live. I'd always been interested in astronomy but never taken it any further until that programme inspired me. A few days later, my first telescope arrived and that was that! Absolutely loving it (despite the annoyances with my new mount and telescope with SynScan not quite reporting correctly...).

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Well then...............I finally figured out how to actually see something with this scope and of course, the moon was easy to find. Exactly six minutes later, it clouded over and that was that.

Gotta try again later today. Wishing for better luck.

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LOL, its the new kit curse. I was the same new ep and collimated my scope thanks to the tutorial on the astronomy shed. Now have been waiting two nights for a break. Out last night from 12 to 1 peering through a mist that was radiating the streetlights so worst visibility to see anything but bright. Its clear at the mo but bet it goes again as dusk comes.

Clear skies

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