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Asteroid 2012 DA14

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That web site tells us:

"On [February 15, 2013], the asteroid will travel rapidly from the southern evening sky into the northern morning sky with its closest Earth approach occurring about 19:26 UTC when it will achieve a magnitude of less than seven, which is somewhat fainter than naked eye visibility. About 4 minutes after its Earth close approach, there is a good chance it will pass into the Earth’s shadow for about 18 minutes or so before reappearing from the eclipse. When traveling rapidly into the northern morning sky, 2012 DA14 will quickly fade in brightness."

So on February 15th 2013 it will be just below naked eye visibility, so should be easily visible in binoculars or a small telescope, as long as you don't try and find it when (if) it is passing through the earth's shadow.


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Here's its co-ordinates for the evening of the 15th February 2013.

As you see, it starts the evening waaaayy south at declination -70, then shoots northwards to a similar declination north by midnight. maximum brightness about 8 O'clock in the evening (for the south of the UK) and then very low in the eastern sky in Coma Berenices. By 10 O'clock it will have dropped to mag 10, and in Ursa Major at an altitude of around 50 degrees. Expect these co-ordinates to change nearer the time.


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