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Ok I won't but you have to remember with EPs you get what you pay for. The 10mm that comes with the Skywatcher scope was the first thing I replaced. The lower mag 25mm is not too bad but I will replace that soon too. The best thing to do is suck it and see (not literally as saliva is bad for glass lol), it may work for you but if not just sell it on. The good thing about used stuff is it often retains it's value.

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Those cheapie eyepieces that came with your scope aren't too good and you should notice quite an improvement with the SP Plossls.

One thing to watch out for though is going for too high a magnification for your scope as even a good eyepiece won't work in that case.

What scope do you have?


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So with the 6.3mm eyepiece that would give you about 159x magnification.

With your scope the max usable mag would be about 120x, although a bit less would be more realistic. You would probably get away with it on the moon however.


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Just for the record, the "H" on your eyepieces stands for "Huygenian." Now Huygens, who designed the eyepiece, was a genius, but he was a 17th century genius. Eyepiece design has come a long way since then, but suppliers of cheap scopes still supply them because they are dirt cheap to manufacture, and allow them to make ridiculous claims about the power you can achieve with your scope.

The Skywatcher Plossl is a decent ep, but a longer version would suit you, as others have said.

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